ISO-19139 Metadata
Metadata Information
Metadata language: eng
Metadata character set: utf8
Last update: 2007-08-21
Metadata maintenance:
Update frequency: asNeeded
User-defined maintenance frequency: Unknown - NGA has only tasked TGS with the initial creation of this dataset.
Metadata contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Contact information:
Scope of the data described by the metadata: dataset
Name of the metadata standard used: NAP - Metadata
Version of the metadata standard: 1.2
Metadata identifier: 1505996967847r286302248373711
Data Identification Information
Resource citation:
Title: Hurricane Evacuation Routes
Reference date
- publication: 2007-08-21
Edition: 2nd Quarter 2007
Presentation format: mapDigital
Cited responsible party:
Role: originator
Organization's name: Techni Graphic Systems, Inc.
Contact information:
Themes or categories of the resource: health
Descriptive keywords:
Place keywords:
Keywords: United States, CONUS, Gulf Coast, Atlantic Coast
Keyword thesaurus:
Title: LCSH - Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service)
Cited responsible party:
Descriptive keywords:
Theme keywords:
Keywords: transportation
Keyword thesaurus:
Title: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Cited responsible party:
Descriptive keywords:
Theme keywords:
Keywords: hurricane, evacuation, routes, emergency transportation, disaster relief, hurricane preparedness
Keyword thesaurus:
Title: LCSH - Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service)
Cited responsible party:
Descriptive keywords:
Keyword type not provided
Keywords: Downloadable Data
Keyword thesaurus:
Citation reference: 723f6998-058e-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66
Abstract: Hurricane Evacuation Routes in the United States. A hurricane evacuation route is a designated route used to direct traffic inland in case of a hurricane threat. This dataset is based on supplied data from Gulf Coast and Atlantic Seaboard states. Each state was contacted by TGS to determine an official source for hurricane evacuation routes. GIS data was gathered from states willing to share such data. In cases where states were unable or unwilling to share data in this format, TGS requested that the states provide a source for identifying hurricane evacuation routes. The states usually identified a website that made this data available to the public. Three (3) states (ME, NY, and NH) indicated that they do not maintain public maps showing hurricane evacuation routes and were unable or unwilling to share GIS files depicting such routes. Hurricane evacuation routes depicted on non-GIS maps were digitized using aerial ortho imagery while referencing supplied maps. Shape files that depicted hurricane evacuation routes were edge matched and merged with the digitized evacuation routes. All routes identified as primary hurricane evacuation routes were included in this dataset. If a state also designated secondary hurricane evacuation routes, they were included as well. Routes depicted in this dataset are dependent upon what each state identified as a hurricane evacuation route. Criteria used to identify these routes may vary from state to state.
Purpose: This dataset represents the locations of hurricane evacuation routes. A hurricane evacuation route is a designated route used to direct traffic inland in case of a hurricane threat.
Homeland Security
Use Cases: Use cases describe how the data may be used and help to define and clarify requirements.
1) A resource for emergency route planning purposes.
2) A resource for situational awareness planning and response for federal government events.
3) A portion of an evacuation route may be rendered unusable due to natural or man made disaster and rerouting of traffic is necessary.
4) An incident has occurred during an evacuation and first responders must quickly deploy to the area.
5) Public awareness.
Dataset language:eng
Dataset character set: utf8
Status: completed
Resource constraints:
General constraints:
Limitations of use: Access Constraint: None (Public Domain Information)Use Constraints: None (Public Use)
Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Limitations of use: Distributor assumes no liability for misuse of data.
Other constraints: Access Constraint: None (Public Domain Information);
Spatial representation type: vector
Processing environment: Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS
Resource extent:
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -176.14333695335122
East longitude: -68.6024542507929
North latitude: 71.75513299356038
South latitude: 9.266134689452466
Supplemental information: Caution should be exercised by the user of this feature class. This feature class is over ten years old and has not been updated since creation. HIFLD is inquiring with agencies to determine whether they would be willing to be data stewards for this layer going forward.
If you are using this dataset as a shapefile, please be aware that it was converted from a Geodatabase. As a result, this shapefile may have attribution and metadata errors resulting from the conversion process. The following are known issues: null values may have been changed to 0s (zeros) or to blank values, numbers (including latitude and longitude) may have been rounded up or down, there may be issues with Unicode character strings, and time cannot be stored in a date field. Field names may have been truncated to no longer than 10 characters or completely changed, lengthy string attributes may have been truncated to 254 characters, and attribute columns may have been deleted. Shapefiles do not support coded domains and subtypes therefore the original file geodatabase attribution and metadata information for coded domains and subtypes could be incorrect or missing in the shapefile version. Please visit the following ESRI website for more information:
Credits: Techni Graphic Systems, Inc.
Spatial Representation
Vector Data
Level of topology for this dataset: geometryOnly
Geometric objects:
Object type: composite
Object count: 31593
Reference System Information
Reference system identifier:
Value: 4326
Code space: EPSG
Version: 6.14(3.0.1)
Data Quality
Scope of quality information:
Level of the data:dataset
Resource lineage:
Process step:
When the process occurred: 2017-08-17T00:00:00
Description: Increased the field width to 3 to allow for 'N/A' entries in the PAVED, MEDIAN, LANECATEGR, TOLLWAY, TUNNEL, BRIDGE, and RAMP fields. Standardized punctuation within the ROAD_NAME field. Standardized abbreviations within the ROAD_NAME, ALTROADNAM, ALTROADN_1, ALTROADN_2 fields. Corrected typo CARDFINAL to CARDINAL, ROD to ROAD, etc within the ROAD_NAME field. Corrected typo BRAOD to BROAD, MAINS XING to MAINS CROSSING, TURNPIKEC to TURNPIKE, etc within the ALTROADNAM field. Standardized the usage of State Highway, State Route, State Road to their respective state codes and number; such as State Highway 267 to VA-267; within the ROAD_NAME, ALTROADNAM, ALTROADN_1 fields. Removed extra spacing within the ROAD_NAME field. Corrected typo COWESETTE ROAD to COWESETT ROAD, CROSS KEYES ROAD to CROSS KEYS ROAD within the ALTROADNAM field. Standardized abbreviations within the ALTROADN_1 field. Standardized blank entries within the ROAD_CLASS field with values respective to those line segments they joined (used ESRI's ArcMap "Streets" basemap as a guide for classification of line segments). Standardized blank entries with "N/A" within the PAVED, MEDIAN, LANECATEGR, TOLLWAY, TUNNEL, BRIDGE, RAMP, METLNKID, LPOSTALCOD, and RPOSTALCOD fields. Standardized blank entries with "NOT AVAILABLE" within the ROAD_NAME, ALTROADNAM, ALTROADN_1, ALTROADN_2, and COUNTERFLO fields. Removed the fields METLNKID and SECCLASS.
Role: processor
Organization's name: HIFLD Support Team
Contact information:
Distribution Information
Distributor contact:
Distribution order process:
Terms and fees: None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.
Distribution format:
Format name: File Geodatabase Feature Class
Format version:
Distribution format:
Format name: Vector Digital Data Set (Polyline)
Format version:
Transfer options:
Online distribution information:
Online location:
Connection protocol: